Fire DamageA woman holds a wooden log over the flames in a fire pit, surrounded by chairs and a table. The fire pit is in an outdoor setting.

At ServiceMaster Restoration by Cross, we understand the joy and relaxation that comes from gathering around a fire pit in your backyard. To ensure you enjoy these moments safely and responsibly, we’ve compiled some essential fire pit safety tips for residents in Mount Airy, Maryland and the surrounding areas.

1. Choose the Right Location

Place your fire pit at least 10 feet away from your home, other structures, and combustible materials. Avoid overhanging tree branches and select a level surface made of non-flammable materials like stone, brick, or concrete.

2. Check Weather Conditions

Strong winds can quickly spread sparks and embers. Check the weather forecast before lighting your fire pit and avoid using it on windy days.

3. Use Proper Fuel

Use seasoned hardwood, specifically meant for fire pits. Avoid burning softwood, greenwood, or yard debris, as they can produce excessive smoke and flying sparks.

4. Keep a Fire Extinguisher Handy

Ensure you have a fire extinguisher, bucket of sand, or a water hose nearby to put out the fire quickly if needed.

5. Start the Fire Safely

Avoid using gasoline, lighter fluid, or other flammable liquids to ignite your fire. Instead, use a fire starter or kindling to safely start the fire.

6. Use a Spark Screen

Place a mesh spark screen over the fire pit to prevent embers from escaping and causing damage to your property.

7. Monitor Children and Pets

Keep a close eye on children and pets around the fire pit, ensuring they maintain a safe distance.

8. Never Leave the Fire Unattended

Always have someone present to monitor the fire pit and ensure it remains under control.

9. Extinguish the Fire Properly

When it’s time to put out the fire, spread the ashes with a shovel, and gently pour water over them. Stir the ashes and continue adding water until the fire pit is cool to the touch.

10. Dispose of Ashes Safely

Once the ashes have cooled completely, transfer them to a metal container with a tight-fitting lid. Store the container away from structures and combustible materials for at least a week before disposing of the ashes.

By following these fire pit safety tips, you can enjoy outdoor fires responsibly while minimizing the risk of property damage. For fire damage restoration services in Mount Airy, Maryland, trust ServiceMaster Restoration by Cross to handle the job professionally and efficiently.